50 years of driving value and changing lives: Haycarb initiates Sisu Divi Pahana school meals programme

Providing nutritious mid-day meals to 700 students from 13 schools in 6 districts First in a series of community and environment focused initiatives for 2023 Haycarb PLC, a subsidiary of the Hayleys Group kicked off its 50th anniversary commemoration by launching ‘Sisu Divi Pahana’: a programme to provide nutritious mid-day meals for 700 students in…

Hayleys Advantis supports mangrove regeneration: installs a pre-fabricated research lab under Advantis Blue Carbon Drive

Hayleys Advantis, the transportation and logistics arm of the Hayleys Group, recently donated a pre-fabricated research laboratory in support of the scientists involved in the accelerated natural regeneration of mangroves at Anawilundawa. This project was completed under the first phase of the ‘Advantis Blue C’ programme, which was launched as a strategic sustainability initiative with…

Innovation meets sustainability at Hayleys Fabric’s ‘Nature’ Forum

Sri Lanka’s largest textile manufacturer, Hayleys Fabric, hosted its inaugural Sustainability Forum ‘Nature’, showcasing a new generation of home-grown innovations with the potential to enable greater circularity in fashion globally. Drawing together an array of distinguished industry stakeholders, the event served as a platform for Hayleys Fabric to demonstrate the versatile form and function of…

Decoding ESG: Sri Lanka as a sandbox for upscaling sustainable textile innovation

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer In the last decade, the global fashion, apparel, and textile industry has been dominated by ‘speed to market’ and ‘fast fashion’. As a result, the twin impacts of improved ‘just-in-time’…

Decoding ESG: The key to unlocking holistic value on a global scale

“What we usually consider as impossible are simply engineering problems… there’s no law of physics preventing them” – Michio Kaku The merits of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards have become an increasingly polarizing topic. Some criticize ESG for not doing enough to effect meaningful change, others accuse it of diluting commercial effectiveness with ‘extraneous’…

Decoding ESG: A scalable, ‘grassroots-first’ framework for Sri Lanka’s economic rejuvenation

“Broad partnerships are the key to solving broad challenges” – Ban Ki-moon Following two years of record global prices, producers have been increasingly concerned over recent declines in export earnings from rubber and rubber finished products. Given that the majority of Sri Lanka’s rubber production comes from smallholder farmers, the impact on livelihoods if these…

Advantis Blue Carbon Drive: Hayleys Advantis’ mission to replenish Sri Lanka’s Blue Carbon ecosystems

One of the most important yet least well-understood battlegrounds for climate change is the world’s coastal and marine ecosystems. Despite covering 70% of the planet’s surface, the contributions these oceanic and coastal ecosystems make – particularly in the sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) – have only recently started to be appreciated by those outside the…